Personnel Branch
Palakkad Division
Southern Railway

This is a website devoloped exclusively for content sharing among staffs of Palakkad Division

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Selection to the post of Cheif Loco Inspector in Pay Matrix Level-7 in Electrical/OP Department
Selection to the post of JE/Elect in Pay Matrix Level-6 against 25% Promotional quota-Electrical/GS Department
Selection for the post of Junior Engineer/Telecom inPML-06(GP4200/- in VI CPC)against 20% LDCE Quota in S & T Department
Selection to the post of Cheif Loco Inspector in Pay Matrix Level-7 in Electrical/OP Department
Selection for the post of Junior Engineer/Signal in PML-06(GP 4200/-in VII CPC)against 40% PRQ Quota in S & T Department
Selection for the post of Junior Engineer/Telecom in PML-06 (GP 4200/-in VI CPC) against 20% LDCE Quota in S & T Department
Selection to the post JE/Elect in Pay Matrix Level-6 in against 25% promotional Quota-Electrical/GS Department
Selection to the post of Goods Train Manager in PML-5 against 15% LDCE in Operating Department on PGT Division
Re engagement of Retired non-gazetted railway staff against vacant posts on contractual basis in various Departments of Palakkad Division
Final answer key of Tech III, Power in PML-2
Final answer key of Shunting Master Gr.II in PML-4
Selection for the post of Technician/Gr.III/Power/Electrical/GS
Final answer Key of Senior Clerk Cum Typist
Final answer Key of Junior Clerk Cum Typist
Answer Key of Shunting Master Gr-II
Reengagement of Retired Railway Officers as Consulatant in various Department
Answer key of Senior Clerk Cum Typist
Final answer key of Goods Train Manager in PML-5
Reengagement of Retired Railway Gazetted Officers as consultant(Operating) in Operating Department
Selection to the post of Shunting Master II in PML-4

Notice board

Unclaimed amounts
Latest DSBF forms available for download at DSBF Section
Change/Fresh allotment of staff quarters in General pool
Reengagement of Retired Railway Gazetted Officers as consultant(Operating) in Operating Department
Selection to the post of Shunting Master II in PML-4

Recent programmes

International Yoga day celebration

Ambedkar day celebration at Divisional Office

Inaugration of Ayurvedic clinic at Kannur Dispensary

Inuagration of Homeo clinic at Palakkad Railway Hospital

Click here to view more photos

Rail karmi Theerpu

Rail Karmi Theerpu is an Offcial WhatsApp based Grievance Registration platform for employees of Palakkad Division. Employees can register their grievances through WhatsApp to 9003160815. Grievances will be addressed and feedback will be provided through WhatsApp to employee by Personnel Branch staff

RPF Helpline 139

All onboard security related issues/complaints can be addressed at RPF Helpline working 24*7 by dialing 198

GRP Helpline 112

Complaints can be addressed to GRP through the Helpline number 112

Useful links


This is a new website devoloped by Personnel branch, Palakkad Division for information sharing among staff.It enables staffs of Palakkad Division to have a quick acess to information and donot have any legal sanctity. Though every efforts are made to provide accurate and updated information, it is likely that the some details such as Officers name, Designation and Contact number may have changed prior to updation in this website.Hence, we donot assume any legal liability on the completeness, accuracy or usefulness of the contents published in this website.